WASD for controls

RCTRL to attack and interact

RSHIFT to jump

Action Team Assemble is a platformer where you assemble your team by completing levels. I've already become attached to this characters so I'll be expanding the missions in this game when I can.


I made the face sets and character sprites and made and remixed the tile sets. 

I used  Candy-12 Palette by Orbitron on Lospec.com as my base colors.  And used various music from 8-Bit Mega Action Platformer Soundtrack by Ryanavx and  Chippy's Chiptune Music Pack by chippy01302. Also Planet Generator by Deep-Fold, is a fantastic tool I used for the planets. Matchup font from Humble Fonts Free by Eeve Somepx. Audio files all found on opengameart.org here.

StatusIn development
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorOK Retro
Made withPixiJS
Tags2D, chiptune, Pixel Art, Retro, Singleplayer


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